Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch 2009

Because the weather was sooooo wonderful a few weekends ago, we decided to take Skylar to her very first pumpkin patch held at The Old Time Christmas Tree Farm in Tomball! Although the weather was fabulous and the activities looked like a blast, my little one was not interested AT ALL! It was such a different environment for her and truth be told, I think I had more fun then she did. We did manage to catch a few good shots though...

Christmas in September

Alrighty, first let me start my saying thank you to each of you for praying for my sweet girl! She is finally back to her happy and mischievous self!!

Okay, so a couple of posts back I mentioned a little surprise that we purchased for Skylar...well, here it is!!! Santa came a little early this year!
We knew that we wanted to get her something like this around Christmas but just didn't want to spend a fortune. Well, this one came up and was such a good deal, that we just couldn't pass it up! It comes complete with a swing set, slide, monkey bars (which will be for later of course), a small fort and picnic table!! It's purrrrrrfect and she LOVES it!! Here's some more pics for your viewing pleasure:
The cute little man you see in the pics is Hunter. I watch him through the week and he's really grown on both Skylar and I. He is her little buddy and certainly her partner in crime! I'll post more about them in a later post...I leave you with two more pics of the precious babes...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lovebug has "the bug...."

So today has been a tough day for my little girl.

Yesterday she had a low-grade fever of 99.7 along with few coughs, a few sniffles and a lot of cries!!! I called her doc who informed me to just give her some Tylenol and watch her closely. By yesterday evening she was doing much better and appeared to be back to normal.

Then this morning came....sigh...and a LONG morning it was. Everything started out okay until I noticed that she seemed so very tired and so very pale. I was doing some cleaning and finally decided to scoop her up off the floor and hold her for a bit. That's when I noticed that she felt so warm and her little eyes looked so droopy and sad. I took her temp and it was 102!! I called the doctor immediately and waited and waited and waited some more until they finally called back which by that point her temp was now 102.6!!! They said to go ahead and bring her in and I rushed out of the house to get her there as fast as I could. Once we were there, I went to get Skylar out of her carseat and her eyes rolled back into her head and her whole body started shaking. I literally ripped her out of that carseat and took of running into the office. Once inside, I was trying to sign in, shaking the whole time, and noticed that my nurse was talking with the other receptionist at a different window. I yelled out that I needed to see the Dr now and tried to explain what just happened to her. The response I got was "oh, poor baby." WHAT?!?!?!

Sigh. I wont go into all the details from there...let's just say there was some panicking and some crying and more panicking. We were sent home with a diagnosis of an ear infection, viral infection and bacterial infection!!! She tested negative for the flu which was comforting considering how many cases there are right now! Through the afternoon she got worse with her fever reaching 103.6 but the Dr on call assured us that it's fine and only if her temp gets close to 105 should we consider taking her to the ER. Isn't that crazy?!?! It's very hard as a mom to watch your baby suffer and then see a temp of 103 and say...we'll the Dr thinks your fine so I guess we'll go with that!

Anyway, she's doing fine now which I know is God. My wonderful dad came over and prayed for her. He also came bearing gifts...JUICE...which was such a blessing because at that point Skylar wouldn't take in any fluids but Papa came to the rescue with some very tasty juice!!! I just took her temp a little while ago and it was 98.6 so Praise God for answered prayers...and of course for juice-bearing Papa's!

Please continue to pray for my lil one though that God fight off this virus and continue to heal her!!! Thanks...lots of loves and hugs!! Muah!
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