Sunday, October 18, 2009

Christmas in September

Alrighty, first let me start my saying thank you to each of you for praying for my sweet girl! She is finally back to her happy and mischievous self!!

Okay, so a couple of posts back I mentioned a little surprise that we purchased for Skylar...well, here it is!!! Santa came a little early this year!
We knew that we wanted to get her something like this around Christmas but just didn't want to spend a fortune. Well, this one came up and was such a good deal, that we just couldn't pass it up! It comes complete with a swing set, slide, monkey bars (which will be for later of course), a small fort and picnic table!! It's purrrrrrfect and she LOVES it!! Here's some more pics for your viewing pleasure:
The cute little man you see in the pics is Hunter. I watch him through the week and he's really grown on both Skylar and I. He is her little buddy and certainly her partner in crime! I'll post more about them in a later post...I leave you with two more pics of the precious babes...

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