Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My 7 month old!! (a little late)

My, oh my! How time zips by!

She is 7 months now and growing like a weed. I'm not quite sure of weight or height because her next appointment is not until 9 months but I will say, she has now graduated from a size 3 diaper to a size 4!!! ahhhhh! And for height, we have now put her excersauser on the last level. She's still a skinny little baby, just very tall.

We have had no problems with UTI's still which is awesome. And for the most part, solids are going well except for the expected "phew-wee" diapers. I think her and I have come to agreement that she save those oh-so precious diapers for her dada!! She's made it through her veggies (with the exception of peas) and is now almost done with bananas. She's on to apples next week...hooray! We've also recently given her sweet-potato puffs (which are like dissovable chips for babies) and she has already figured out how to pick them up and put it right in her mouth!! Don't get me wrong, a ton still end up on the floor and Roxy is right there to clean up the mess!!

Now for the taaaaadaaaaaaa's....
-she is a rolling queen. (she will roll from one side of the room to the next in a snap)
-she LOVES to mimic her momma ( she already has the no-no thing down but now her and I have a show down where we stare at each other only inches away from each others face)
-she is starting to push off of things with her feet which allows her to reach something
-she loves to dance in her excersauser

I can't really think of anything else at the moment but she is doing great! I don't know when she will start crawling but I'm convinced she's so smart that she's already realized, why crawl when momma will carry me?

Friday, January 16, 2009

SUCH a drama queen!!!

As you can see, we are in for some trouble with this one. She has this new thing she likes to do which is not really cry but whimper with the saddest little face you have EVER seen. She'll do it over anything...if she drops a toy, wants to be held, if she's tired, etc. In this pic, I'm pretty sure that she does NOT want to wear the hat I just bought the pouting begins. She's my little drama queen for sure!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Girls just wanna have fu-un....

So today was one of Skylar's very first play dates and we had a blast. We went and visited Lindsay, Hayden and the twirls Preslyn and Ella. I think Skylar was a little overwhelmed since she's never been around so many girls before but she did pretty good. All three of the girls we're so sweet and SOOOO playful! Preslyn cracks me up and how much she loves to lounge on you! She was very sweet with my baby girl too which of course, I love, love, love! Here's some pics of our little adventure...Lindsay please correct me if I have them mixed up.... (okay, so I did mix them up. I figured I would...but now all is correct)

(Preslyn and Skylar sharing "sofie la giraffe")

(Ella teaching Skylar how much fun it is to chew on hair bows)

(Hayden playing big sister to one more....)

Trying out the new ride!

So, just to see how well she fit, Matthew and I put Skylar in her new carseat a couple of days ago and she LOVES it!! I think she likes that she can sit up more and feel more like a "big girl." I can't wait to go ahead and put it in the car. I've been kind of stalling because it's a weird feeling having your baby go from an infant carseat to this big thing!! Sigh.
I know I have to accept the fact that she's growing but don't you just wish you can keep them as babies forever???!!!!

Best Friends!

I know I have posted before about the relationship between Skylar and Roxy but I just have to brag again because they truly are the bestest of friends. Roxy is always wanting to be near to her and Skylar is always tugging at her ears and giggles when Roxy gets into her playful moods. They're quite a pair!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Elijah Herrington is here!!

Congrats to both Dennis and Kristen for delivering a healthy baby boy, Elijah Herrington.

Elijah was born today, at 2:21pm. He weighs 8lbs and 6oz and is 21 1/2 inches long. Kristen sent a text that both her and baby are doing well. Elijah is having a little trouble breathing so everyone be praying for this sweet baby boy!

Congrats Herrington family and can't wait to see the little man!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Daddy's and their girls

We've recently converted our dining room into Skylar's own playroom to accommodate all the toys she received from Santa. We tossed the idea around several times about making the guestroom her new play room but eventually decided against it since we will be using that room for the new baby's room. And NO, I'm not preggers....not yet! ;)

So now that her room sits right in the front of the house, her and I can look out the window and see all that goes on. Well this morning, our neighbor across the street walked his little girl out to the end of the driveway and stayed there until the bus came. I can't see down the street from where my house is but occasionally I would look up and see him standing there saying "I love you" with hand signals. He must have done it like 10 times before I saw him walk back into his house. I just thought it was so cute! Here he is...practically in his pajamas...signing "I love you" with his little girl before she left for school! So incredibly sweet!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just the two of us...

These pics were taken right before Christmas but I thought I would share anyway. She's such a doll and truly a "momma's girl!"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

See the tooth>>>

I have tried many of times to capture a photo of her tooth while she's smiling but can never seem to get it. When all else fails, show the tooth off for yourself! ha! ha! She's giggling in this pick if you can't tell.

Since she now has her first tooth, I've purchased her very own toothbrush which is great for babies that are teething. She loves to suck on the soft bristles and I hope that we're instilling good habits early!!

Rub-a-dub-dub part II

You may remember that some months ago, I posted a blog of my little girl getting a bath in the sink. We'll, since she is so tall and so VERY active, we now have a "big girl" bath for her. For any of you looking for the perfect tub for babies to tots....this is it!!! WE LOVE IT! And I think she does too! It's almost like a floaty looking thing. It has a little fish on one side that squeaks and then some blow-up rings on the other side that she can take off and play with! She really doesn't care about any of that...just splashing!!!

Ear tag update!!!

So we had our appt downtown (again!!) to discuss whether or not her ear tag is coming back again. The doctor thinks that it's just stitches that are trying to make their way out. needed surgery at the moment. He wants to see her after her 1st birthday to see how things look and hopefully by then we'll be good!!!
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