A couple of weeks ago I started this new book called "Preparation for Parenting" which was recommended to me by my sister n law! I was a bit apprehensive about reading it since it's main points were scheduling. I kind of went back and forth between the idea of putting her on a set schedule since so many of the books I read advised against it.
Well I'm here to say that it works wonderfully for both her and I!! Right before we left to go to Dallas (fleeing from Hurricane Ike) I was working with her schedule. I figured that going to a new place out of her home would completely mess with her and we would have to start all over when we got back...but I was wrong! The first night we were there she slept 10 hours. In fact, when I woke up I darted over to her bassinet fearful that she may not be breathing since I hadn't heard from her and there she was just smiling and cooing! Its so great!
Once we got back we moved her to her own bedroom which I know is a little late. I'm just a very scared momma and wasn't ready for the transition. But she's doing so well and now all of us are finally getting some goooooood rest! With her in her pics is "Dina" her dinosaur. Whenever I first found out I was expecting Matt bought me this gift cause he thought we were going to have a boy. He wanted to take it back but I wouldn't let him and now you can see that Dina is her best friend!