Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 60: "Pire-Twuck"

About a week or so ago, my friends and I discussed taking all of the kiddos to the fire station as a fun playdate. So today was the day to go and despite Skylar having that nasty sounding cough (still thinking it's allergies), I didn't want them to miss out on the fun. I can always hear my dads voice "now let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no' be 'no'." This haunts me as a parents and since I did tell them we'd go and they did bring it up again this morning, what was I do to?! Go to fire station, duh!

It was really a lot of fun but those poor fireman didn't know what they were getting themselves in to but bless their heart, they tried. They started us off in the building trying to explain how things go down...and this is where we eat...and this is where we sleep...and this a phone...etc. Problem here is that you're talking to a bunch of toddlers, dude (with the exception of Skylar). They have absolutely no interest in what he's saying but rather ...ew, look at the cool knobs the stove, let's jump on the bed, etc. Finally they relented and took us to the BIG RED. Bryce was beside himself!! He just couldn't get over all of the cool buttons and gear!
Skylar had fun too but I noticed at one point she was picking flowers (aka -weeds) out of the grass. I think it's safe to say that she won't be a fireman. Bryce on the other hand, I did some much explaining of how nice it is that we have such great fireman but that if he sees others running OUT of a burning building, he's to do the same. But then I see this...sigh. Mama's little fire fighter.
We all had a lot of fun and the fireman even let us spray the hose which of course the kids LOVED! But now it was time for lunch and park time...much to the fireman's disappointment, I'm sure.
We had tons of fun at the park and the kids burned off some energy which was great for me! Even little Eva had fun chatting it up with one of her girlfriends, Ella. Our little E's...


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