Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 75: Ode to Bruce

I figured it was high time I mention the other "family" member in our household since I know I've mentioned Roxy on a few occasions now. Well, we also have a beta fish named Bruce. He is such a pretty fish (as are all betas) but unfortunately he gets overlooked a lot of the time. I tell you this much, he is a resilient little fish though considering he's gone without food, occupied a pretty dirty home, and fell down the sink (that was a scary moment)! Buuuut Skylar loves him. She'll ask to feed him or to help clean his tank and most days we are so busy that I'll tell her we'll do it later. We never do. A couple of days ago both kids helped me in cleaning out his tank and putting in his new "tree" and then finally feeding the poor fellow. While I was cleaning out the tank, Bruce hung out in a little coffee mug and Skylar kept saying over and over "I love you, Bruce. You're my sweet fishy-boy. Eat your food, k?" I told Matthew that the day Bruce goes to visit the sewer god is the day he'll be going to Petsmart. We laughed at the idea that she'll be 18 years old and still telling her friends...I've had Bruce since I was a baby. If only it were that simple...

So, here he is...our little fishy-boy Bruce:

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